Who We Are & Why We Do What We Do!​​

Biz Coach Studio is a business mentorship and coaching agency dedicated to equipping entrepreneurs with the essential knowledge, confidence, and accountability to excel in critical business tasks. We offer a comprehensive suite of services including consulting, marketing, social media, digital tool diagnostics, SEO, in-person networking, business planning, and capital preparation. Our primary goal is to assist businesses in building sustainable companies while fostering a community that generates innovative ideas, deep relationships, and meaningful outcomes.

What Can This Brownie Do For You?

A special White House guest for his work supporting women entrepreneurs in Haiti, Guatemala, and Peru, Edgar served as the Marketing and Social Media Lead for the California Women’s Conference and is a member of the NASA Civilian Social Media Team. He  holds degrees in design, communications, and an MBA.

Edgar has extensive experience as a Spanish/English Business Advisor working for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), and also the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) in Boston.

Before COVID, Edgar consulted for nonprofit business organizations and industry groups, focusing on boosting their effectiveness through expert back-office management. He successfully raised over $80 million in sponsorships, enhancing the sustainability of more than 120 organizations, including the US Chamber, the US Hispanic Chamber, the California Chamber, NAWBO, NLBWA-LA, the San Diego Chamber, and the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, among others.

Over that time, Edgar and his team have worked on over 500 business events, including at the White House under four separate administrations.

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